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Glass Box Law offers a simple and efficient way to draft, disseminate and track your next offering.

  • First, our platform will prompt you to answer a series of questions about your business, your intended use of funds and the basic terms you intend to offer investors.
  • Next, our legal team will draft an easy-to-read term sheet or offering to be disseminated to your contacts, the Glass Box network, and prospective investors across the web.*
  • Finally, Glass Box will help you customize and complete your definitive documents.

With Glass Box, you will realize two fundamental benefits: SPEED and CONTROL. You will no longer have to wait weeks for a traditional law firm to draft your offering documents. And you will no longer be at the mercy of investment bankers to make your company visible to a wide investor base.

With a Glass Box Offering Portal you will be able to efficiently distribute your next investment opportunity to institutions, family offices and accredited investors that regularly fund small cap companies.

*Your Offering Portal will not be viewable by the general public. You may elect to have your portal made accessible only to qualified investors. 

Services Included:

1. Offering Memorandum

Our legal team will draft a simple, easy-to-read document that succinctly describes your opportunity, satisfies your disclosure requirements and sets forth the terms of your investment offering.

2. Offering Portal

We will provide you with a stand-alone portal to market your opportunity and upload supplementary offering materials, including:

  • Your business plan
  • Videos about your business and/or offering
  • Your most recent financials
  • Your projected financials
  • Any relevant industry information

3. Data Room

We will provide you with a secure, segregated location within your portal to upload relevant supplementary documents for investor review.
Documents can be uploaded either during or after the offering process.

4. Investment Banker Access

Should you choose to work with an investment banker, he or she will be listed in your portal and be given a unique link to market and track visitors to your portal.

5. Investor Notification

We will circulate a summary of your opportunity and a link to your portal to pre-qualified investors that have requested to be notified when new offerings are posted on the Glass Box platform.

6. Deal Docs

Once you have secured an investor or investors, we will finalize your legal document set. Legal documents can include, debentures, promissory notes, direct share subscriptions, and/or warrants.

7. Subscription Functionality

Your investors will be able to subscribe to your offering directly through your portal. Subscriptions will be limited to “accredited investors,” and all appropriate attestations and other supporting documents will be collected through your portal.

8. Issuer Approval

As soon as your minimum subscription is reached, you will be given the opportunity to approve each investor electronically. Next, investors will be given directions to wire subscription funds directly to your bank account outside of your portal.

9. Shareholder Ledger/Debt Holder Ledger

All stock issuance or debt issuance will be tracked and made visible to you as the administrator in your portal. You will be able to click on any of your investors to retrieve copies of their subscription documents and/or accredited investor verification documents.

10. Government Filings

All federal and state notice filings pertaining to your offering will be filed for you by the Glass Box legal team. This includes federal notice filings with the SEC as well as state Blue Sky filings (but does not include 8-K filings).

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